Spiritual Issues in Healthcare

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Approaching a patient holistically will require you to address the needs of the whole person. Spirituality, which may present in a variety of ways, encompasses how a person finds meaning and connection in their life. Additionally, attention to and awareness of your own emotional and spiritual needs may yield greater empathy and resilience.

  Overview | 8 minutes


Learning Objectives
  1. Learners will reflect on their own religious and/or spiritual beliefs.

  2. Learners will learn how to assess spirituality of patients and the relevance to our clinical work. 

Part 1

Using the FICA Spiritual Assessment Tool Download FICA Spiritual Assessment Tool please answer the following:

  • Self-reflection: How would you answer these questions for yourself? How uncomfortable or comfortable are you discussing these questions with patients?

  • Write a paragraph: Why do you think it's relevant and important to inquire about spirituality in our clinical work? What resources are available to help you have these conversations? 

Part 2

Choose 1 video or podcast from the collection provided and answer the following:

  • Which video or podcast did you select?

  • After reviewing, what struck you about what you viewed and how will this impact your future practice as a physician?

Part 3

Written reflection, please answer the following:

  • Remember a time or imagine a time when you faced a serious, potentially life-threatening health condition. Using the FICA Spiritual Assessment Tool Download FICA Spiritual Assessment Tool write answers to the questions based on your own history and beliefs. Reflect on how comfortable you would be using a tool like this with patients. What resources could you enlist to help facilitate these conversations?

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