Module Home: Time Efficient Teaching

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Learning Objectives

Learning Objectives: After completing this module, you will....

    1. Identify and list specific teaching techniques that may improve the efficiency of teaching in the clinical setting.
    2. Create a plan for improving teaching efficiency that includes at least two specific teaching techniques.
Introduction Videos | 21 minutes & 18 minutes

Time Efficient Teaching: Part I (21 minutes, 33 seconds)
Topic: Using your learners to help you clinically and presentation considerations in the clinical teaching setting.

Time Efficient Teaching: Part II (18 minutes, 28 seconds)
Topic: Being efficient with your time in the clinical teaching setting and approaching the learner who asks many questions.

Learning Materials

Click the bold text below to download each respective file and the Magnifying Glass Icon to preview files in your browser.

Readings, Handout & Worksheet (6)

Download Outpatient Case Presentations in the Conference Room versus Examination Room: Results from Two Randomized Controlled Trials

Anderson, R. J., Cyran, E., Schilling, L., Lin, C.-T., Albertson, G., Ware, L., & Steiner, J. F. (2002). Outpatient Case Presentations in the Conference Room versus Examination Room: Results from Two Randomized Controlled Trials. The American Journal of Medicine, 113, 657-662.

Download The Effect of Bedside Case Presentations on Patients' Perceptions of Their Medical Care

Lehmann, L. S., Brancati, F. L., Chen, M.-C., Roter, D., & Dobs, A. S. (1997). The Effect of Bedside Case Presentations on Patients' Perceptions of Their Medical Care. The New England Journal of Medicine, 336(16), 1150-1155.

Download Teaching in the Outpatient Clinic

McGee, S. R., & Irby, D. M. (1997). Teaching in the Outpatient Clinic. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 12(Supplement 2), S34-S40.

Download Time-efficient Preceptors in Ambulatory Care Settings

Usatine, R. P., Tremoulet, P. T., & Irby, D. (2000). Time-efficient Preceptors in Ambulatory Care Settings. Academic Medicine, 75(6), 639-642.

Handout: Download Staying Efficient with a Student in the Office, Key Teaching Strategies

Worksheet: Download Structured Reflection for Learner

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