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Flipped Classroom
Welcome to this course on Flipped Classrooms! Please take the time to review as you prepare your own flipped classroom experience for your learners.
Health Disparities, Social Justice & Cultural Humility
This curriculum introduces important concepts and terms related to health disparities, cultural humility and social justice necessary for health care providers today. We hope to generate curiosity, self-reflection and cognitive dissonance which will lead you to set goals for yourself as a lifelong learner. Content includes learning materials in video, audio and written formats.
Patient Safety Quality Improvement (PSQI)
This course represents a minimum threshold education for all residents and fellows. Your Program Director will provide you with an outline of where in your training you are expected to complete each element of the training.
MITE Physicians as Researchers
This course is meant to be an open platform to help guide and provide resources for conducting a research project.
MITE Physicians as Educators
The curriculum is intended for those teaching in the clinical setting, regardless of background, type and/or level of learner. The curriculum consists of 8 modules led by a subject matter expert in the MMC Department of Medical Education.
Quality Improvement Science Guide
This course contains tools and guides necessary to execute an impactful and sustainable quality improvement project.
Academic Affairs
This resource outlines who we are in MMC Academic Affairs and how to find us.
Cooking MattersĀ®
Cooking MattersĀ® is a ground-breaking nutrition-education program that empowers individuals and families to stretch their food budget to create healthier meals at home through hands-on cooking classes.